Building engaging eLearning courses with uPerform - Webinar Recording

Are you looking for a tool to develop eLearning courses? Did you know you can create customized courses with your existing uPerform subscription? This webinar teaches authors how to craft engaging eLearning courses by walking through a live demonstration using the uPerform editor. Learn how quick and easy it is for authors to build customized professional eLearning courses, and see how much flexibility you have in incorporating existing content into your courses. 

Topics included: 

  • Demonstration: Building an eLearning course using the uPerform editor 
  • Adding lessons, assessments, knowledge checks, and simulations to your courses
  • Best practices for your template when creating eLearning courses

 The functionality included in this webinar is available with the latest version of uPerform.


Building engaging eLearning courses with uPerform - MP4 Recording


Below is a summary of the Q&A from this webinar: 

  1. Is this functionality available with my version of uPerform? The functionality included in this webinar is available with the latest version of our uPerform cloud subscription.
  2. Is there documentation available to help me create and edit eLearning courses? Yes, our Intelligence Hub includes an array of resources available. We've included links to resources related to the webinar below for easy access. If you have additional questions, submit a ticket to the uPerform team who is happy to assist you.
  3. I have existing eLearning courses that I created using a different authoring tool. Is it possible to use these courses in uPerform? Yes, if you have content you've made with Captivate, Articulate, or others, you can use the published .zip file in SCORM format and upload the course into uPerform. Once uploaded, users can access the course in your uPerform Learning Library.
  4. I have content created in PowerPoint that I’d like included in my course. Is this possible? Yes, you can bring in PowerPoint slides, as well as Word files and PDFs to be accessed in the course. Use the resources feature to import content.
  5. How do I get a copy of the quick start course? Create a ticket in the Intelligence Hub and the uPerform Client Success team will walk you through the next steps.
  6. Can I build a question bank without the cloud version? Yes, you can.
  7. How do I generate and upload a SCORM file?  When you publish your course locally on your machine there will be an HTML folder included that has the .zip file that you provide to your LMS system administrator, who will be able to complete the next steps.

Related Resources

Below are resources to help you manage your uPerform eLearning courses:

  1. If you're interested in using the quick start course that Dave presented, please create a ticket in the Intelligence Hub and the uPerform Client Success team will provide it to you.
  2. uPerform Author Training Course
  3. Online Guide to using uPerform eLearning content
  4. Upload a uPerform course or simulation to an LMS:
  5. How to use the Assessment Performance Report to collect end-user assessment data without an LMS:
  6. Specifying Default Publication Settings for Courses
  7. Additional resources available for uPerform Authors

Best Practices

The uPerform team recommends a few best practices to consider for your template when creating eLearning courses:

  1. Match your organization's brand: When branding your eLearning course skin, ensure that your logo, color scheme, and font reflect your organization's standards. Contact your Marketing team for a copy of your branding guidelines. Learn how you can change your default publication settings here
  2. Keep learners engaged: Set the text-to-speech to read a shortened transcript versus the full text so that your course isn't simply reading every word displayed on the screen throughout your course. For instructions on how to setup text-to-speech see our online guide
  3. Curate, don't create: Enable the resources feature to import existing content, such as PowerPoint, Word, or PDF files, into your course so you save time by reusing content. Learn step by step instructions and best practices for adding Microsoft PowerPoint slides to your uPerform courses here
  4. Improve the user experience: Enable the exit simulation setting when you have embedded simulations so that users can easily navigate back the course after viewing each simulation. See the Default Publication Settings: Simulation section of the Managing Content with ANCILE uPerform manual.
  5. Enable learning on-the-go: Use the MP4 video file type to ensure learners on mobile and tablet devices can play video content included in your course. Learn how to manage your video settings under Default Publication Settings: Course: General Settings here
  6. Upload your course to your LMS: Don't forget to set your LMS settings to ensure your course is compatible with your LMS. Check with your LMS administrator to determine whether SCORM or AICC is right for you. Learn how to upload a uPerform course to your LMS here and learn how to configure your LMS template settings here.
    1. Choose either Pass/Fail or Complete/Incomplete as passing thresholds. 
    2. Setting a Score Percentage controls how learners advance.
  7. Allow retakes: If learners fail or score below the threshold, you can choose to allow learners to retake assessments or questions until they get it right. Learn how to configure the retake setting here
  8. Discourage answer sharing: Enable the randomized question bank to ensure learners can take assessments without memorizing the answer order or cheating off fellow employees. Learn how to configure this setting here
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