Supporting your global workforce with translated learning content - Webinar recording

Are you currently spending a large chunk of your time coordinating the creation of learning materials in multiple languages? What if you could publish translated documents in half the time? uPerform can provide translations for standard instructions captured during the recording process that can then be reviewed by a local employee for fine-tuning If your organization has a preferred language translation agency, you can quickly prepare your documents for third-party translation to support your global workforce.

Topics included:

  • Simple uPerform document language conversion
  • Preparing XLIFF Files for 3rd party translation
  • Guided re-record for easy translation

The functionality included in this webinar is available with the latest version of uPerform.


Supporting your global workforce with translated learning content - MP4 recording

Helpful resources


  1. How do I ensure my users will see folders in their preferred language on the uPerform website? In the Management Center, you can make sure Project and folder names appear in the user's target language by following these instructions:
    • Navigate to the Project that you'd like to translate in the Management Center by selecting "Projects" in the header bar and choosing the Project name. Select the "Edit Properties" option in the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner. Select the "Add Multiple Languages" option. Add translations of project names and select "Save".
    • From the Project, select the "Website" link. Select the website folder link you wish to translate. Choose the "Edit Properties" option in the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner. Select the "Add Multiple Languages" option. Add translations of folder names and select "Save".
  2. Would you still export the XLIFF file if you used guided re-record? It's not necessary to export the XLIFF file because guided re-record will use the translated phrases available to translate the document. You can if you need to update the default phrases provided.
  3. Can I change the translation of a word that was translated by uPerform? Yes, you can either 1.) edit words in the document editor, or 2.) update the phrases in your template (to make sure phrases are correct going forward).
  4. Does text-to-speech (TTS) get translated as well? Unfortunately no. However, Microsoft supports multilingual TTS options, so when you enable TTS in uPerform and your document is in Spanish and you translate the transcript, if you have a Spanish-speaking TTS option enabled, it will read it in the target language. 
  5. Can the end-user see both languages? Yes, the end-user can see both languages if they choose to see both languages in their settings. By default, uPerform only shows the languages available in the system. If the target language isn't available, the default language will be provided.
  6. When using the translation feature, does all the content get translated automatically? Not all the content is translated. uPerform translates the phrases used in the template. 
  7. Could a client bring in a language not currently listed in uPerform? Unfortunately, no. A workaround may be available that would allow you to leverage unused language options for your target language. 
  8. Is this functionality available with my version of uPerform? This functionality is available in most on-premise versions as well as all uPerform cloud subscription versions of uPerform.


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