As many organizations transition to remote work due to COVID-19, we recognize the challenge teams may have to rapidly provide training and support for a new virtual workforce. With uPerform, you can quickly transform traditional training to digital learning by reusing content you already have. Join us to learn how authors can rapidly build a framework to create engaging eLearning courses and how easy it is for virtual users to access and complete courses.
Topics include:
- Leveraging existing content to jumpstart your efforts
- Tracking progress and performance by adding assessments
- Distributing courses to your remote workforce using the Learning Library
Quickly moving traditional training to digital with uPerform - MP4 recording
Helpful resources
- uPerform Author Quick Start Guide: eLearning Courses
- Resources to Support Digital Learning
- Quick Start Video Series for uPerform Authors
- Your content is only useful if it's easy to access - Webinar recording
- Is anyone looking at your content? - Webinar Recording
- Online Guide to Using Text to Speech (TTS) Functionality in uPerform
- uPerform Branding Series Part 2: Branding your Simulations and eLearning Courses
- How to enable or disable the assessment question randomization in playback in uPerform
- Course creation advice and best practices
How do I rename a page? Double-click the page name from the Course list on the left-hand side of the editor window while editing a course. Rename the page and save your changes.
Can I change a page stencil? Right-click the page name from the Course list on the left-hand side of the editor window while editing a course and select 'Switch stencil' from the menu. Select your new stencil and save your changes.
Can I have more than one simulation mode in my course? (for example, Try it! on one page and then Do it! on another page) Yes, you can add duplicates of the same simulation and configure the various modes that are available. Be careful about adding too many simulations to your course. You can set up a single simulation to offer multiple modes to avoid adding duplicate simulations.
My page has a warning triangle showing against it, what does that mean? The icon identifies missing information from the course page.
How do I move a page to a different location within the course? Select the page you wish to move from the Course list on the left-hand side of the editor window and drag it down to its new location in the course. A black bar will appear to help display where the page will be located.
Can uPerform select a randomized set of a question bank? For example, if I have 20 questions, can uPerform randomly select 10 only? Yes, double-click on the Assessment slide from the Course menu on the left-hand side of the editor window to view this setting. Select the number of questions you wish to include and save your changes. To learn more visit How to enable or disable the assessment question randomization in playback in uPerform.
- Can we insert surveys or end-user opinions for assessment questions? This feature does not currently exist but is a roadmap item we're considering in the future.
- When adding PowerPoint slides, is there a way to add or record audio for each slide so I can quickly replicate my classroom training? Yes, you can add audio to any of your slides. For text-to-speech, you'll need to turn on this feature in your template and get Microsoft Speech Runtime platform installed on your machine and install the voices so uPerform can create text-to-speech. To learn more visit Online Guide to Using Text to Speech (TTS) Functionality in uPerform. uPerform also offers the ability to record audio manually for each slide.
- When uploading existing content to my course, what formats are supported? PowerPoint, videos, and content from other courses.
- Can I brand my course using uPerform? Yes, administrators can customize skins to add your branding. To learn how to brand your course, visit uPerform Branding Series Part 2: Branding your Simulations and eLearning Courses.
- Is this functionality available with my version of uPerform? Yes, the majority of what was demoed is available in uPerform 5.0 and later.