Are you creating courses using Captivate or Storyline? Do you have an LMS? Then this webinar recording is for you! With uPerform you can end the struggle with multiple content repositories by managing and distributing all your eLearning content, no matter the source, within uPerform. Your learners will save time searching through file shares for help with access to all the learning materials they need in a single location. By the end of this webinar, you will know how to effectively set up and manage your eLearning courses in uPerform.
Topics covered:
- Incorporating LMS-based courses via AICC and SCORM
- Using Captivate, Storyline, and other courses as Managed Documents
- Configuring assessments in templates
Greg LaPalomento, our expert Strategic Software Consultant, and Helen Yu, our Senior Product Specialist, provided a demonstration followed by a Q&A which has been transcribed below.
Managing eLearning courses in uPerform with or without an LMS - MP4 recording
1. Is this functionality available with my version of uPerform?
The functionality is available with the cloud version of uPerform. You’ll need to enable the ‘Get Package’ feature, which you can request by opening a support ticket.
2. Does a user need to authenticate in uPerform and the organization's LMS to access the course?
Users must authenticate into uPerform. We support SAML 2.0 and OAuth 2. Whether or not your LMS requires authentication is really up to your organization’s configuration and policies, but I will say that the majority of organizations I’ve dealt with do require that.
3. What happens if a learner accesses the course directly from the Learning Library instead of the LMS?
When they access and complete a course from the Learning Library, they’re still going to get credit for having accessed it, and that credit will still be recognized in uPerform. If the proxy file is set up in the LMS, then the LMS will receive an update that the user received credit for completing the course.
4. What types of content can I upload as a managed document?
uPerform accepts most file types, including digital files, movies, pictures, Visio content, and PowerPoint. You can upload anything and store it on uPerform just like any other cloud storage system, like SharePoint or Dropbox.
5. Can you use this with managed content and share just the link to the end-user document? What is the SCORM advantage?
The SCORM advantage is really all about creating communication between your LMS and uPerform server, which allows you to present the content to the end-user on the LMS but manage the content in uPerform. Every time you update the content, you don’t have to worry about uploading the content to your LMS. The benefit of having SCORM content managed this way is that you can track people’s progress in a course, including whether they’ve completed it or not, whether they’ve passed or failed, and the progress/percentage completed.
6. Can I load a storyline course in uPerform and have it report quiz results if I'm using uPerform as my LMS?
You can upload your SCORM content that's created by something else like Storyline or Captivate into uPerform. It will recognize it as a SCORM based content and it will track the progress of the user and you can get to the results and such by reporting the assessment performance report that we supply with uPerform, but you can create your own custom report as well, based on that assessment performance report to really reflect the information that you're looking for.
7. What is the advantage of uPerform versus an LMS?
An LMS is used to deliver full eLearning curricula and learning paths. uPerform compliments your LMS by providing a complete digital learning platform that integrates requisite learning content into the LMS but also presents moment-of-need learning content continuous opportunities for on-demand learning within the flow of work. When users can access help at the moment of need, they save time learning the skills they need while also becoming proficient much faster with less dependence on support staff.
uPerform integrates with your LMS system to provide a single system to manage all your learning content.
When leveraging uPerform as the centralized content repository, Administrators no longer need to upload updated versions to the LMS. Admins can use existing content created with other tools, such as Captivate and Storyline. End-user assessment scores are automatically reported back to the LMS.
Users benefit from a seamless experience – they can access courses and complete assessments directly from uPerform. With centralized content management, users are always accessing the most recent version of the course.
8. Which versions of SCORM are supported?
SCORM 1.2. However, uPerform also supports SCORM 2004 and AICC, and we have recently added AICC to the ‘Get Package’ feature so that you can take advantage of that as well when it comes to taking your AICC files and putting them in your LMS. You can create a SCORM proxy file for your AICC content and then put it into your LMS and maintain the content in uPerform and the changes are reflected in your LMS.
9. Is it necessary to carry out any integration within the management center?
YES. You need to turn on that ‘Get Package’ feature and make sure that your template is set to SCORM 1.2. The scoring proxy file is what creates the communication between the two.
10. Can I just create a course package from uPerform desktop like I always have?
11. Can I see how many people are hitting e-learning courses and can I see which courses they are hitting?
Yes, you can check by using the Assessment Results report on uPerform Cloud. You can also check on your LMS if you use this process that we showed you today because all of the results are reflected in your LMS as well.
12. Can I use the proxy for my captivate or articulate SCORM packages?
Yes, but make sure that your content is published in SCORM 1.2. When creating the published file from Captivate, Storyline, or another third party, make sure you choose SCORM 1.2. That’s the only stipulation. Take advantage of our ‘Get Package’ feature so you can load the course into your LMS and uPerform and maintain it in uPerform.
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Managing Third-Party eLearning Content with uPerform Cloud